The 3 best waterproof gloves for hiking

Best waterproof hiking gloves

In this article, I will cover the best waterproof gloves for hiking. A good waterproof hiking glove is an important piece of clothing for most hikers. Needless to say, different types of gloves are better in different types of situations. I will provide both a budget option and a high-quality option and explain what is the best option for you.


Best waterproof hiking gloves

Let’s take a look at the best waterproof hiking gloves. I try to keep my lists as short as possible because adding slightly worse alternatives does not really add any value. Therefore, I will only recommend my 3 favorite gloves/mitts!


WindRider Rugged Waterproof Winter Gloves

I will start this list with a rather odd pick. WindRider is not really an established brand withing the hiking world. However, these waterproof gloves are actually very solid. This is probably the best budget hiking glove you can buy today.

They are made with a Cordura nylon outer shell (read: quality nylon). Underneath the outer shell, there is a hipora liner (read: a good Gore-Tex alternative), this is what makes the glove waterproof. Then, there is an insulation layer made from 3M thinsulate (70g) and foam insulation, this layer is responsible for providing warmth. Last but not least, they included a soft fleece inner liner.

If you don’t really know to much about fabrics, no worries, all you really need to know is that the fabrics that are used in this product are good. Using good fabrics is the first step towards creating a high-quality product.

The best thing about these gloves is the price, if an established brand would create a similar product, the product would probably cost twice as much.

Additionally, they have included touchscreen fingertips and a small hand pocket. However, some people claimed that the touchscreen fingertips didn’t work that well.

The downsides of this product would be that the outer shell, can actually get wet. It won’t get through the liner underneath (so your hands will remain dry). This can be annoying when it is freezing because the wet outer layer might eventually freeze. Also, these gloves might not be warm enough for extreme cold weather conditions. I would recommend Outdoor Research Alti for more extreme situations.


  • Cheap price
  • Decent quality


  • Outer layer can get wet
  • Not warm enough for extreme conditions


These gloves are available on amazon

Unisex: WindRider Rugged Waterproof Winter Gloves


Outdoor Research Men’s Alti Mitts

Let me start by saying that these Mitts are not budget friendly products, but you do get a lot of value. These are the best mitts you can buy when you are going to very cold places. I’m mainly thinking about high altitude hiking/climbing.

You actually get 2 pair of mitts. The inner mitts are responsible for moisture wicking and keeping your hands comfortable while the outer mitts are waterproof and windproof. The combination of these mitts should keep your hands very warm. If it’s not freezing, these mitts will probably be too warm, but that’s okay because you could wear the liner or the outer shell separately.

I would recommend these for more serious adventurers who are exposed to very cold temperatures.

The overall quality of these mitts are top-notch. The stitching is done with kevlar stitching. The gloves itself are windproof, waterproof, anti-slip and moisture wicking. If you dislike wearing mitts and you prefer to wear gloves, the Alti’s also exist in a glove version, which is the next pick on this list.


  • Top-notch quality
  • Very warm


  • Expensive


These gloves are available for both men and women on amazon:

Men: Outdoor Research Men’s Alti Mitts

Women: Outdoor Research Women’s Alti Mitts


Outdoor Research Alti Gloves

These gloves are very similar to the mitts. The biggest differences are that mitts are warmer, but gloves offer more dexterity.

So at what temperature should you switch from the gloves to the mitts? Well, this is different for everybody, it really depends on how fast your hands get cold. I have known hikers who are fine with wearing these gloves at -30 degrees Fahrenheit, while other get cold hands at 0 degrees Fahrenheit.

They share most of the positives with the mitts. However, some hikers do claim that these gloves are not warm enough. There were also some complaints about the sizing. As always, make sure to do proper research on the sizing before buying the product. You can find the sizing information on Amazon (see link below).


  • Top-notch quality
  • More dexterity than the mitts


  • Expensive
  • Not as warm as the mitts
  • Sizing might be off


These gloves are only available for men on amazon, but you could simply buy these in a smaller size as a woman as well:

Men: Outdoor Research Men’s Alti Gloves


What’s important in waterproof hiking gloves?

Let’s take a look at the most important features of a good waterproof hiking glove.



This one is rather obvious. However, it might be a bit challenging to figure out exactly how warm a glove or a mitten really is. The first thing you should do is check the material. More specifically, check the material the insulation layer is made from. Additionally, simply check out opinions/reviews. However, when you do this, make sure to look for reviews from people who do the same type of activity. Somebody might say it’s “very warm” but if that somebody wasn’t climbing a mountain at 4000m altitude (and you will), than that review has no real value for you.

Note that warmer is not always better, it really depends on your needs. Going on a multiday hiking trip with gloves that are too warm for the conditions is very frustrating and annoying.



Since these gloves will probably go through a lot, they should be rugged and provide resistance to abrasion.

Once again, if you want to figure out if a product is rugged/durable you should first check the materials that are used. After you have done that, go check out some reviews, but make sure that these reviews are from like-minded people (hikers, climbers, …).



I guess you already figured out that this is important, otherwise you wouldn’t be reading this article right now.

Same routine here, check the materials that are used and check relevant reviews.



What exactly do I mean with convenient hiking gloves? Well, this can be different for every hiker.

Do you like to use your smartphone once in a while (maybe for making pictures)? Make sure that your gloves have touchscreen fingerprints.

Some hikers might like a small glove pocket (I wouldn’t know why to be honest).

Mittens are generally warmer, but gloves are more convenient and offer more dexterity  et cetera.


Should I buy gloves or mittens?

This is depends on whether you value warmth or dexterity more. Mitten will overall be warmer, while gloves have more dexterity and are more convenient.

I would recommend to buy gloves, unless gloves are not going to be warm enough.

Not sure, whether or not gloves will be warm enough? I can only recommend doing research (google is your best friend). Try to figure out what other hikers/climbers are wearing on the trails you will be hiking. Make sure that these hikers have hiked that trail in the same season you will be hiking it.

Generally, I prefer gloves, but personal preference also comes into play.


Do you need waterproof gloves for hiking?

For cold weather hiking: It’s highly recommended that you have waterproof hiking gloves.

If it’s rainy/wet, but it’s not extremely cold: It’s still highly recommended to bring waterproof gloves, but it’s less crucial.

Regular conditions: There are positives and negatives about bringing waterproof gloves in regular conditions. In the end, it comes down to what you prefer. Waterproof gloves tend to be less breathable, so sweat might become an issue. Having a good liner glove will help a lot with this issue. When it does rain, your gloves will be soaked, but they will also dry pretty quickly. All things considered, my personal preference is to bring lightweight waterproof gloves.


How much should you spend on waterproof hiking gloves?

I provided both high-quality gloves and a decent budget option. In extreme conditions, I would always recommend to get a very high-quality pair of gloves, in this case you are probably looking at a price of around $200-$300. That’s pretty steep, but in order to hike/climb in extreme conditions you simply need the best gear, and that’s got a serious price tag.

For the more average hiker, who will not be exposed to extreme cold, you can get away with a good budget option like the WindRider Rugged Waterproof Winter Gloves. For a good budget option you should probably spend around $40.



To conclude, I can say that in most circumstances, your gloves should be waterproof. If you are going to use them for hiking they should also provide warmth,  be durable/rugged and be convenient.

When you are going to hike/climb in extreme cold, you will have to spend quite a bit of money in order to get a high-quality pair of mitts/gloves. However, if you are planning on hiking in milder conditions, a good quality budget pair of gloves will do just fine.

I’m sure there are other decent options out there, but these 3 gloves/mitts were my favorite options after doing a lot of research.

Looking for more waterproof hiking gear? Take a look at best waterproof hiking jackets and best rain pants for hiking!