How much does bear spray cost? [+The best deals]

How much does bear spray cost

How much does bear spray cost? The “average” bear spray price is around $40-50$. That being said, bear spray comes in many different forms and sizes and prices can differ quite a bit.

In case you are in a rush and simply want to buy the best value for money bear spray, simply take a look at the Sabre Frontiersman Bear Spray.


The price of bear spray – for people on a budget

I already gave you the super short answer, but there are even cheaper -and ofcourse more expensive- options out there. I have seen bear spray being sold for less than $30. However, I must say that this is quite exceptional. That being said, you should definitely be able to find bear spray for less than $40.

I also want to mention that I highly recommend buying a belt holster as well. Once you meet a bear on the trail, you want your bear spray to be within reach. Therefore, a belt holster is almost a necessity.

Most bear sprays are being sold with a holster, or will at least have the option to buy it in combination with a holster.


How much does practice bear spray cost?

Except for regular bear spray, there is also a thing called practice bear spray. A practice bear spray will probably cost you around $20. My initial thought was: These companies are just trying to make more money…

However, after a while I realised that it makes perfect sense. You can carry all the bear spray you want, but if you don’t know exactly how to use it, it’s going to prove pretty useless. Especially since you probably can’t think clearly when you suddenly meet a bear on the trail.

Having a bear practice spray gives you a chance to get acquainted with the safety mechanism and with the spray itself. You also have the chance to get an idea about the amount of spray-time you have. Most cans will only spray for around 10 seconds or even less.


Where to buy bear spray?

The best place to buy bear spray is probably amazon. In my experience they often have the lowest prices and plenty of options.

If you are interested in the best value for money bear spray (at least in my opinion), I would recommend taking a look at the Sabre Frontiersman Bear Spray. And I would recommend buying it with a belt or a chest holster whatever feels more comfortable to you.

In addition to buying real bear spray, I definitely recommend practice spray if you have never used bear spray before. My favourite bear practice spray is also made by Sabre Frontersman: Sabre Frontersman practice bear spray.

If you are planning on meeting a lot of bears over the next couple years, it might be financially more interesting to buy a combo pack from Alaska Guard: Guard Alaska (Pack of 4):


Are these the only bear sprays I would recommend? No, there are plenty of solid options out there, just take a look around on amazon. Just be careful with brands that look shady and not really trustworthy. All that being said I feel like these options are just best when it comes to value for money – at least at the time of writing.


Do you really need bear spray?

This question is pretty hard to answer. I mean bear spray is super effective and it has saved a lot lives in the past. So, I’m very tempted to simply conclude that bear spray is necessary. However, it’s also not a secret that bear spray is the most ditched item on long distance trails like the AT. That said, these are thru hikers and having a very light backpack is super important for them – since they have to cover a huge distance.

The truth is that bears will usually try to stay away from humans. Especially if you are with a loud group and you guys make a lot of noise, there is little chance in meeting a bear up close. If you travel alone or with a quiet group, I would always recommend bringing a bear bell – even if you bring bear spray as well.

It’s cheap lightweight and can be bought from amazon as well, something like the Coghlan’s Bear Bell should do the trick just fine.

So do you really need bear spray? Probably not, but if you are okay with the additional weight (around 8-10 ounces) I would always recommend bringing it with you.



So how much does bear spray cost? The price of bear spray will be around $40-$50, but if you are looking for the cheaper cans you can be settled for less than $40. Also, keep in mind that it might be slightly more expensive if you still have to buy a hip holster or a chest holster (which I definitely recommend).

And unless you are travelling with a big and loud group, you should also consider bringing that silly looking bear bell.